Why does the skin lose pigmentation – The causes of the lack of melanin are numerous, and in addition to being an aesthetic problem, we must consider the protocol for its treatment. Skin colour is established by the pigment known as melanin. On some occasions, pigmentation loss may occur, either temporarily or permanently.

The affected area has a lighter colour than the rest of the body, which also becomes an aesthetic problem. This loss is due either to the fact that the melanocytes have stopped working properly and do not produce melanin or that they have been destroyed due to the damage caused to the skin.Pityriasis alba is a widespread disorder in children but can also appear in adults.

It usually occurs on the face and arms, where the skin becomes redder and scaly. As the rash begins to heal, white patches appear in its place, which thankfully fade over time. Causes of lose pigmentation.


Fungal infections such as pityriasis Versicolor can cause dry, scaly patches that are lighter in tint than the rest of the skin and can also cause itching. According to dermatologists, they can appear anywhere on the body, as with viral infections, for example, chicken pox, which, once cured, can cause hypopigmentation.


A large number of dermatological disorders that  associated with an inflammatory response. These include eczema, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis. And is that chronic inflammation .Favors irregular spots in many cases, they can become permanent if the conditions are chronic.


It is usually accompanied by loss of pigment, which also becomes more susceptible to the action of UV rays. Therefore, these areas are at high risk of burning or even developing skin cancer without the necessary sun protection.

Chemical exposure:

Harmful chemicals can be great enemies of the epidermis, especially the substances involved in the rubber manufacturing process, germicides and disinfectants.


Corticosteroids and retinoids cause temporary or permanent loss of pigment, and this also becomes more vulnerable to the impact of the sun.
To treat  pigmentation problem, action must  taken in three ways  in a coordinated and constant manner:

1. Inhibit melanin synthesis:

Different active ingredients achieve this effect to a greater or lesser extent. One of the most effective is Chromabright, a molecule that acts on Tyrosinase. The enzyme that controls melanin production prevents its function.

2. Prevent exposure from stimulating melanin production:

When treating skin blemishes. It is just as important not to depiction yourself to the sun in excess as it is for all cosmetics that contain a protective factor.

3. Accelerate the renewal of the skin  area of ​​the stain:

This is achieved thanks to natural organic acids that gently exfoliate the most superficial epidermis. The skin is rehabilitated, and as long as previous steps that block the stimulation of melanin  carried out, the spots disappear.